tir. 14. nov.
NF&TA Konferansen 2023 - invest in sustainability
Norwegian Fashion and Textile Agenda inviterer deg til en innholdsrik dag med nettverksutvikling, inspirasjon og kunnskap.
Tid og sted
14. nov. 2023, 10:00 – 15:00 CET
OSLO, Posthallen, Prinsens gate 8, 0152 Oslo
Om arrangementet
Building a green economy demands for a new investment philosophy. A circular textile industry will require considerable infrastructure investment. It’s time for more radical, bigger investments for a sustainable future.
This year the NF&TA - Conference will focus in on the investment opportunities and requirements needed to change and accelerate the green transition in the fashion and textile industry. You will hear from among others: Thina Saltvedt, Nordea, McKinsey, Håkon Haugli, Innovation Norway and Stefania Saviolo from University of Bocconi.